What others think about you and how to breakthrough the negative opinions.

There are 3 steps that you can take to turn up the volume on your internal knowing and tone down the negative voices, the latter that may be blocking your progress.


Have you evern wondered, what holds us back?


The first step is to become aware of the words you tell yourself

We are constantly bombarded by other people’s opinions, especially now where we live in the digital age. Whether we like it or not. We can’t escape it. Even if you post up something up on social media and no one puts any likes, that speaks volumes as well. You might be thinking perhaps people don’t resonate with what I say, maybe what I put out on social media is not valuable enough, or perhaps I don’t have enough people who like me, and so on and so forth.

The problem is that you have no way of knowing whether that is true. So it’s not that you are affected by what other people say, or in this case “not say” or “not like” your post, but you are affected by the way you think about yourself. And that’s why it’s so important to become aware of what you tell yourself throughout the day.

The next step,  change the dialogue with yourself.

It is very important as to what you say to yourself. Your self-talk. Are you encouraging your self or being hard on yourself? When you are aware of negative self talk, the next step is to learn to change your dialogue with yourself. It will be difficult at first, however, there are specific ways you can start the change – and these have to be customised to you. I have provided you with a link to have a chat with me – this is a 100% free call where we can talk about your negative self talk and perhaps find the best solution for you…so take advantage of that…

Ultimately your self esteem is tied to what YOU think of YOU – so it’s essential to make a space to start revising your dialogue with yourself.

Lastly, once you have created a space, explore the deeper roots.

The awareness and the space that you have created will now allow you to explore the long term WHY this has become a predominant negative self belief in you. Why are you feeling anxious around this belief? American psychologist and proponent of meditation, Tara Brach said this week that we can use anxiety as a portal to self liberation. This is your chance to uproot these deep beliefs. Your anxiety is not the problem – it’s actually showing you the PORTAL or the PATH to change.

I would love to support you in any way that I can – with resources, tools and hypnosis strategies. Connect with me on the link that I have provided and I hope these 3 steps will help you break through negative self talk, and worry about other people’s opinions and perspectives of you.


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