

Lose Weight Naturally and Safely

What is weight change?

Weight change is not about losing weight. Losing weight is not exactly correct. Let’s fact it, each of us are built different, where one person’s weight for a 163cm person in general is perhaps 50kg – 54kg. But another person with that height and weight will look too thin, too gaunt. This is how in general the public has been brainwashed into ideal weight, how we should look, how thin we should be. All these by the influence of style magazines.

Our muscles weigh more then fat and it is our muscle that burns our fat. In fact the more muscles we have, the more we burn, the more we burn. So you may be heavier then your ideal weight, but that is the weight of your muscles not fat. We need our muscles to function optimally because it is the muscles that moves our bodies not the fat deposited in the body. You may find sometimes, your weight increases after going for training in a gym. That is because you are building your muscle mass and not fat. So looking at the weighing machine is not as accurate as many would think. It does not tell you how much muscle you have in your body..just weight which means, fat, muscle and water.


Losing weight naturally is not about weight but losing inches in our bodies to give us a healthier look. 

This works equally well for those who are trying to gain weight and those who are trying to lose weight.

We fully understand that we are the last resort after trying dieting that didn’t work, supplements with no significant results and enrolling into a weight change program that did turn out in the long run.

Ask yourself, what is it worth to have your ideal weight / shape? How would you feel?

YOU are the most important person. YOU are the only one who can make that change. We would love the opportunity to be able to re-create YOU.

How do we achieve this?

We may or may not know that there is some kind of tie with emotions and food. How we treat food, how food becomes a comfort to us in times of stress, emotional turmoil or avoidance. 

To lose those inches, we need to start to address those emotions and begin the process of the natural weight loss.

This will take about 4 sessions which would start you on the weight loss program plus another 3 coaching session to create the awareness on your relationship with food and emotions and mental health.

Ever found yourself in a situation where you just don’t know which help to take? Or perhaps you find yourself wondering how you can achieve your goals, or maybe you have a phobia that is stopping you from moving forward and you just need that little nudge.

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