Sound Toning / healing 30 minute session (experiential)

It has been a while since I held a sound toning session. Only recently I’m coming back to my gifts of sound, bowls, that is integration into my coaching along with my hypnosis. There are a lot of disconnection to ourselves especially during covid, we have become very elusive, disconnected with people and with ourselves. Who are we? What do we feel? How do we overcome this emotional and physical pain.

Sound healing has gone back since ancient days. We utilize the sound because of the healing frequencies. That is why some music soothes your soul and some irritates you.

Out bodies is 90% water and by utilizing our voice, the vibration travels easily in the body towards the pain.

Today I held my first zoom sound toning session. Using my voice, I send the healing to the participant on zoom. She felt tingly and warm around her toe. (she had broken her metatarsal and was still experiencing pain when she walks). Now this was a very short toning session and she felt that during a zoom session.

If you want to catch the next free 30 minute session, register in the link below

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