We go through it everyday. Stress. What is stress and what are the consequences and effect of stress? 

Stress causes corporations billions of dollars as a result of absenteeism, reduced productivity and turnover cost. Many of us suffer from a stress related disease. 

In this day and age, our children suffers from stress and start to develop high anxiety disorder. Adults having difficulty coping with the social and economic demands of work and balance of home life. Many do not even take the time out to socialize, and when they do socialize, many take comfort in alcohol to temporarily de-stress. Some even take to physical violence at their work place to release their stress. 

51% adults will develop heart disease, stress causes employees to miss work costing corporations billions.

So what can you do to manage the stress? 

My work as a certified stress management consultant is helping people manage their stress. This can be done in a Corporate setting, in a group or in an individual basis. 

If you would like to work with me and would like to discuss further, make an appointment below.