Is your weight getting you down?
This current pandemic has created so many changes in the way we carry out our everyday life. We are afraid on who is asymptomatic? Why aren’t you wearing the mask correctly? Why aren’t you wearing a mask? If the person so much as cough, the fear creeps up and you wonder if that person’s got the virus. These causes a lot of pressure, stress on the body. And those who are on lockdown, boredom sets in. And most of us when we are stressed, bored, we look for what comforts us and most of the time we reach out to food. We eat junk and excessively and we begin to pile on the weight because we cannot go to the gym.
Well, the workshop that we’ve come up with is to address the weight and your eating habits. Learn how to eat healthier, start moving your body at home with Jenny. I will be holding in a small group a hypnosis session on body transformation.
This 4 week program is aimed for women only. For now it is targeted for the women as there are those out there who are a little shy. 🙂
It starts in September 11, weekly at 9am EST/9pm Malaysian time. We have kept this affordable at $400. What would normally cost you thousands!
The good thing here is with body transformation, there is no side effects, no recovery period, no physical discomfort and scarring.
If you are searching and wanting to shed those unwanted weight, or you know someone who could benefit from it, then do forward the link below.
If you want to find out more about it, then email myself at: