My 3 Weeks in the UK
It was the first time I travelled anywhere since the virus hit us 2 years ago. I was called to go to the UK. On a serious note, I really didn’t want to go. I have been so used to staying put in one place, the thought of flying 16 hours (includes transit) was rather daunting.
However I did go. I boarded the plane feeling really nervous because I didn’t know what to expect especially in Heathrow. Will they be asking me to check the electronic pass? Will they kick me out? Will they….? You get the idea. Suddenly I have become a travel virgin!
I needn’t worry. I got through immigration easily. No one there checks anything, it’s as if there was no pandemic. No mask and well it’s an accident waiting to happen. I did wear a mask and I did get stared at by the rest as the crazy lady.
I went to complete a cycle. An ending to what was once my home from 16 onwards and I guess holding on to a place i once called home and hoping to return was preventing me from looking forward and what’s next. It is the small things that takes me by surprise.
The 3 weeks I spent in the UK was a sacred journey for me. It was soul healing, and a lot of release. Releasing old wishes and welcoming new opportunities. It helped me to see and to realize that when I hold on to things too tightly, nothing new can enter into my life. That encompasses a new job, a new opportunities, a new relationship.
Since coming back to Malaysia, I can feel that something has shifted in me. Sure I still have the same problems awaiting me, however, I look at it differently, I could even say lightly. I find ways to overcome those problems. After all, if I continue to do the same things over and over again and expecting a different result, then I must be crazy!!
It helps when I have a coach that I can talk to to iron things out in my mind. A coach needs another coach too!
If you want to overcome your limiting beliefs, your fears, trauma or still grieving, click on the link for your gift 30 minute session. Let’s work together and see if we can overcome this together.