How do you relax? What do you do to relax?
Relaxation for me is an troublesome word for me. I don’t know what it means to relax. I know what i’ve been told other people’s definition of relaxation but is it my way of relaxing? While I was being coached (yes a coach needs another coach because I still have unanswered questions and needs coaching), I was asked,
Why do I not allow myself to relax?
Great question.
When I go on a holiday, I am always thinking about the next thing to do when I’m there. Not slowing down.
Thinking on the question, why do I not allow myself to relax…what is MY definition of relaxation? I am a practical person, facials don’t relax me, in fact it vexes me and that is the truth.
Hair salons, apart from a cut wash and dry that’s the extend of my patience and I just don’t want to sit in there any longer.
Manicure/pedicure I really don’t see the point.
So while thinking about this question, I came to an insight that MY way to relax is to create something that would benefit my well being and creates joy in my heart. That is what relaxes me and not everyone else’s definition of their relaxation.
So what I’m saying is, find your relaxation. Find what you enjoy most doing and what gives you joy. Relaxation to me isn’t about going to the spa, manicure, facials, it is about being creative and what gives me joy.