Facing Criticism

How many of you out there experience this?
“You’re doing it wrong”
“That’s not how it’s done”
“It cannot be done this way”
Well, it is easy to point out someone else’s mistake but is that constructive? First you tell them it’s wrong then you say nothing after. This will leave us kinda deflated, demotivated and leave us thinking, what did I do wrong.
Most people do that to others, your bosses, friends, relatives, colleagues and yet not one (at least none I’ve encountered have given me constructive feedback)
Last week was one long week. I injured my hand which ended me in hospital for a hand surgery, my dog in a freak accident died from GSV. So it was an emotional roller coaster for me. It also gave me the time to observe human behaviour. Those around me. How they react, what they say and what is said. The linguistic presupposition (as taught in NLP) what was the underlying message.
There are those that come under the pretext of “helping” but not really helping as they think they are. There are those who just takes cheap shots and criticize in an underhanded way.
So what do I do? Of course the initial feelings of irritation comes in, then disappointment, then realize that those are just words. Those are their issues and not mine to take. Its not personal.
So if anyone finds fault in you, your marketing, how you do things, brush it off, say thank you for the feedback, and walk away. What they are feeling, their emotions, isn’t yours. You just do things differently next time. It only gets better next time.